
Clan Information

Statistics Summary
Clan Name:Oh-Yeah?  (5 members)
Homepage:Not Specified
Average Member Points:6,140 (Average Position: 1,318)
GG Wins:509
Total Kills:150,776 (Hs per Kill: 40%)
Total Deaths:116,938 (with Hs: 42%)
Kills per Death:1.29 (Kills per Minute: 6.34)
Connection Time:16 days 12:36:24 hours
Average Connection Time:3 days 07:19:16 hours
Longest Kill Streak:55 Kills
Rounds:11,857 (Win.: -, Loss.: -)
Win Ratio:0%
Survived Rounds:- Rounds (-)
Weapon Accuracy:27% (Shots per Kill: 13.67)

Clan Members

# Name Position Points GG Wins Activity Time Kills Clan Kills Deaths Kpd Hs Hpk
1  Oh-Yeah? ҉ ♥♀Yohanita♥ 155 8,978 469 88% 7d 23:49h 86,138 57% 45,685 1.89 39,483 46%
2  Oh-Yeah? AƖιcαт 460 7,475 - 65% 0d 22:32h 4,224 3% 3,312 1.28 1,561 37%
3  Oh-Yeah? Farmer John 584 7,071 34 16% 1d 01:46h 10,878 7% 8,330 1.31 5,033 46%
4  Oh-Yeah? The DRUNKEN Master 1,751 4,870 6 83% 6d 11:51h 49,413 33% 59,463 0.83 22,429 45%
5  Oh-Yeah? The Shoresy 3,638 2,307 - 14% 0d 00:37h 123 0% 148 0.83 35 28%

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